Archival resources for the Grand tour
1. Letters of Maria’s guide in Rome Iogann Friedrich
Moscow, Russian State historical archive (RGIA), fund 789,
op.1, ed.
2. “Nachertaniye puteshestviya”
The original of the printed list of towns that Maria and Paul visited
and hotels where they stayed.
Moscow, Russian state Military history archive (Rossiyskiy
Gosudarstvenniy Voenno-istoricheskiy arkhiv ) , F. VUA d.235, op.1., l. 1-10
3. Reports of the Russian ambassador in Vienna to Catherine the
Great about Mari and Paul's visit
Relyatsii polnomochnogo ministra v Vene D.M.Golitsina k
Ekaterine II. 1 November-29 December 1781
Moscow, Archive of foreign policy of the Russian empire
(Arkhiv vneshnei politiki Rossiyskoi imperii), f.32 , op.32/6 (and 31/6),
d.640, l.50-51ob (and 57ob)
f.32, op 31/6, d.640, l.81ob.-82, 84, 94ob, 100ob, 103, 105,
f.32, op.31/6, d.640, l.69
f.32, op.31/5, d.640, l.68-69, 78ob, 84, 105
f.32 op. 32/6, d.655, l.7-13ob.
4. Papers that relate to the visit of Maria Fedorovna and
Paul to Austria in 1781
“Bumagi, otnosyashiyesya do puteshestviya Ikh Imperatorskikh
Visochestv Velikogo knyazya Pavla Petrovicha i velikoi knyagini Marii Fedorovny
v Avstrii v 1781
Moscow, The State Archive of Russian Federation (GARF), fund
728., OP.1., ed.khr. 273
5. Descriptions of Maria and Paul’s trip from the Saint
Petersburg vedomosti newspaper
St. Petersburg, Russian National library
vedomosti, 1781, 17 December – 31 December, number 101-105
vedomosti, 1782, 11 January, number 3, p.21
6.Esipov G.V. , “On the trip of Paul Petrovich around
Europe. 1781-1782”
Esipov G.V., “O
puteshestvii velikogoknyazya Pavla Petrovicha po Evrope.1781-1782 gg.
Moscow, the State Archive of Russian Federation (GARF),
f.926, op.1., ed.khr. `195
7. Ursini di Rosenberg, “The Grand duke Pavel Petrovich in
Venice with his wife”
Translated by Maikov, P.M. Velikiy knyaz’ Pavel Petrovich v
g. Venetsii so svoeyu suprugoyu. 15 Noyabrya
Saint Petersburg, Pushkinski dom, f.265. op.2, n4092, l.5ob
and 5ob
8. Letters of Paul to Catherine the Great
A letter from 10/21 May 1782
Moscow, The Russian State archive of ancient documents (RGADA),
f.1, op.1, ed.khr.2, l.6-10
9. Reports to Catherine the Great about Maria and Paul’s
stay in Paris. Can be useful for establishing a schedule.
a) Relyatsii iz Parizha Ekaterine II ot polnomochnogo
ministra knyazya Baryatinskogo. 17 April – 28 June 1782
Moscow, Archive of the foreign policy of the Russian Empire
(AVPRI), f. 93, op.93/6, d. 380, l.7.
b) Baryatinsky I.S., Doneseniya knyazya I.S.Baryatinskogo o
puteshestvii ikh imperatorskikh visochestv Pavla Petrovicha s suprugoyu vo
Frantsiyu 1782 goda//GARF f.926. op.1 d.459
Moscow, The State archive of Russian Federation (GARF),
F.926., OP.1., ed.khr. 459, l.58 and 91 and 25
and 120
Arkhiv Vneshnei politiki Rossiyskoi imperii. Snosheniya
Rossii s Frantsiyei. Op.93/6, delo 380, l.23ob-24
L 105ob
10. “On Pavel Petroch’s overseas trip”
“O vozvrashenii velikogo knyazya Pavla Petrovicha v Rossiyu
iz zagranichnogo puteshestviya 1776 i o puteshestvii ego za granitsu
Moscow, Archive of ancient documents (RGADA), f.2, op.1,
ed.khr. 106 +
Saltikov, N.I., Doneseniya Nikolaya Ivanovicha Saltikova vo
vremya puteshestviya ikh imperatorskhikh vosochestv v chuzhikh krayakh 1782
goda, L.3-87
11. Map of the trip of Counts du Nord
The State Historical museum
GIM –GO-890/1
12. Gazette de France. Du vendredi. 1782, 24 Mai
13. Archives des Affaires Etrangeres. Correspondance
politique Russie. 1783 vol 110 F24
Vincent – Veraque 12 January 1783
+vol 111 F 60 Veraque
to Vincent 19 July 1783
14.National archives in Moscow, fond 4, delo 117
Letters from Catherine the Great to Maria Fedorovna during
their overseas voyage
15. Russian ambassador’s report about Maria and Paul’s stay
in Chantilly
GARF, f.652, op.1, d.754, l.1-2