Friday, May 17, 2013

An interesting upcoming exhibition about Maria Fedorovna

Reflected Glory:
the Romanovs, Württemberg and Europe

5 October 2013 – 23 March 2014

Five marriages, four generations, one story
At Stuttgart’s Old Castle, an imposing structure steeped in history, a special exhibition entitled “Reflected Glory: the Romanovs, Württemberg and Europe” tells the story of five legendary women whose marriages formed the basis of the extraordinary history shared by the House of Württemberg and the Russian Romanov dynasty. For the first time, an exhibition sheds light on the impact of these marriages on European politics, on the domestic and social policies of the two countries as well as on their respective courts.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Letters from Maria Fedorovna to her lady-in-waiting Catherine Nelidoff (Ekaterina Nelidova)

Correspondance De Sa Majesté L'Impératrice Marie Fédorowna Avec Mademoiselle De Nélidoff Sa Demoiselle D'honneur(1797-1801): Suivie Des Lettres De ... Princesse Lise Troubetzkoï (French Edition)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Good books on Pavlovsk in German

1. Hubertus Gassner, Haus der Kunst München, Krieg und Frieden: eine deutsche Zarin in Schloss Pawlowsk, Dölling und Galitz, 2001

2.Anna Ananieva, Russisch Grün, Transcript Verlag, 2010

Images of Pavlovsk by V.S.Schpak

V.S.Schpak, after Schedrin, View of the country house at Paullust, drawn from life, 1876

V.S.Schpak, The dairy, C.1870

V.S.Schpak, The Krik hunting lodge, 1870

V.S.Schpak, the Princess Lieven column, 1870

Tapestries with views of Pavlovsk from the Pavlovsk palace, 18th century