The number of portraits that were created for Maria Fedorovna is equal to the number of portraits created for Catherine the Great. Lyudmila Markina traveled to Germany and discovered rare images depicting Maria Fedorovna made by J.A.Benner,I.F.Anting,P.Hall, E.B.Sivers, I.B.Lampi,A.Gube.
L.,”Izobrazheniya Marii Fedorovny v sobraniyakh Germanii”, Pinakoteka, 2000, issues 10-11
There is another important article dedicated to Maria Fedorovna's iconography in general:
Lebedeva, E.,"Ikonografiya Marii Fedorovny", proceedings from the IV conference "Pavlovskiye chteniya", Saint Petersburg, 1999, p.53-56.